Promoting Animal Welfare
Dalby Regional Saleyards always strives to set a good example in animal welfare. We adhere to the Australian Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals in dealing with livestock and lairages, and our staff are comprehensively trained to ensure that we’re always compliant with our animal welfare obligations under the Code.
In addition to the safety measures of our infrastructure, our fully roofed four acres of space and watering points in our selling pens ensure the comfort of the animals. With faster-weighing processes, softer flooring, better shading, and a cooler environment, the reduced stress of the animals is measurable in their improved behaviour and appearance.
The bottom line is when the animals are treated better, they’re calmer and healthier. They’re then more presentable for sale, and everybody benefits: the animal is comfortable, the seller gets a better price for the animal, the buyer gets a better price for their product, and the end user gets a better end product. We’ll stay committed to animal welfare into the future because we believe it’s both fiscally and ethically essential in supporting the industry.

Approved by Mary Temple Grandin, the world-renowned animal welfare specialist, and consultant to the livestock industry on animal behaviour, our facility features automated drafting pens, roofing, lighting, cabling, water facilities, and soft flooring. These upgrades are improving our efficiency and working conditions, and helping us to become a proud leader in an industry that’s more equitable for animals.
Read the National Guide to the Pre-Transport Selection and Management of Livestock by Meat & Livestock Australia
Animal pests and diseases – DAFF ( by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry